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Romeo and Juliet Law Michigan: What You Must Know
Many states have already adopted the Romeo and Juliet Law, named after Shakespeare’s famous young teen lovers, which is meant to protect teens who engage in consensual sexual activity with other teens from what is called criminal sexual conduct charges. If accused of a sexual offense, our sex crimes lawyers are here to help.

The Michigan statutory rape law does not exempt teens from prosecution for sexual penetration, but they are protected for other sexual activity. For example, if a 17-year-old engages in consensual sexual conduct, i.e. sexual contact, with a 14-year-old, the 17-year-old won’t be prosecuted. However, if more than just sexual contact occurred, i.e. oral or sexual intercourse, they could face criminal sexual conduct charges.
Romeo and Juliet Law Michigan
The Romeo and Juliet Law in Michigan deals with underage consensual sex and it helps certain individuals off the Michigan Sex Offender Registry. The Romeo and Juliet Law does not require teenagers who are convicted of Michigan criminal sexual conduct charges to be registered as a sex offender. This means they would no longer be listed on Michigan’s sex offender registry at all.
The Romeo and Juliet Law in Michigan reduces the penalty for young people who are no more than four years older than their sex partner. For example, if an 18-year-old engaged in sexual activity, i.e. sexual contact, with a 14-year-old, no names will go on the sex offender list. With that said, if the “18-year-old” is proven to be 19 years of age, their names could end up on the list.
Age is More than Just a Number!
It is also important to consider what is the age of consent in Michigan under the Romeo and Juliet Law. Individuals who are 15 years old or younger are not of the legal age of consent and are unable to consent to any sexual activity. If they do, it will end up being a criminal sexual conduct charge and could be prosecuted for statutory rape.
Michigan statutory rape laws are violated when the other party is under the age of 16, which is the age of consent in Michigan. The age of consent is raised to 18 when the other party is an authority figure. It is also important to know that the sexual relations between teachers and students in Michigan are against the law, the age of consent notwithstanding.
With criminal sexual conduct charges in Michigan, the determining fact is the age of the parties involved. Even if the underage individual pursues or gives consent to the sexual relationship, the defendant can still face criminal prosecution.
Getting Your Name Off the Sex Offender Registry
Under the Romeo and Juliet Law in Michigan, the accused or defendant can also have a case to get their name removed from the sex offender registry list.
Hire the Skilled Michigan Sex Crimes Lawyer Nicole Blank Becker Today!
If you or someone you know are facing statutory rape charges or any other sex crime, you need to contact an experienced criminal sexual conduct attorney immediately.
Nicole Blank Becker is an experienced Michigan criminal defense lawyer who is solely focused on sex crimes.

Besides her experience spanning over 20 years, Nicole focuses on ensuring her client’s rights are upheld because she believes the charges do not define a person. Nicole works on building a strong attorney-client relationship that helps put everyone’s mind at ease and helps them feel free to share their side of the story without fear, knowing that their confidential or sensitive information is safe with her.