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The Best Domestic Violence Attorney in Michigan
The Best Domestic Violence Attorney in Michigan
If you have been arrested for domestic violence, you need to take this legal issue seriously. In the state of Michigan, domestic violence charges are aggressively prosecuted by local District Attorneys, and the consequences if convicted can be life-altering.
To best protect yourself and your future, you need the best legal representation possible. With that said, not every lawyer is capable of handling these kinds of cases. You want an experienced domestic violence attorney if you are to beat these charges and move forward with your life.
To help you better understand just what is at stake if you are facing Michigan domestic violence charges and why you need specialized legal help, here is a closer look at what the right Michigan domestic violence lawyer can do for you.
First Things First – What is Domestic Violence?
Under Michigan Law, domestic violence is defined as an assaultive crime where the alleged victim has or had some type of relationship with the accused perpetrator:
- Spouse
- Former spouse
- An individual who has had a child with the offender
- A current or prior dating relationship
- The perpetrator and any alleged victims lived in the same household
One important legal consideration to keep in mind is that a “dating relationship” is defined as having “an expectation of affectional involvement.” This means that it does not include casual relationships or acquaintances from a business or social setting.
Per the Domestic Violence and Treatment Act, prohibited acts include:
- Causing/attempting to cause mental or physical harm to a current or former family or household member
- Putting such persons in fear of mental or physical harm
- Causing/attempting to cause such persons to engage in involuntary sexual activity under duress, by force, or by threat of force
- Engaging in activities towards such persons that would cause a reasonable outsider to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested
Penalties for Domestic Violence in Michigan
This is where it gets complicated. Depending upon the specific criminal act, you could be charged with any of several offenses, each with their own penalties.
Some of these crimes are misdemeanors that carry a small fine and very little jail time, and some are serious felonies that can put you in prison for the rest of your life. In addition, any kind of domestic violence conviction could result in mandatory counseling, being permanently labeled a violent offender, loss of child custody, and civil lawsuits.
This is why you need the best Michigan domestic violence lawyer – to help you protect your interests, your rights, and your future.

All lawyers are not created equal. If you hope to avoid a domestic violence conviction, you do not want to settle for an overworked public defender or even a typical criminal defense attorney.
For this kind of serious church, you need a legal specialist – a top Michigan domestic violence attorney. The best domestic violence lawyers in Michigan bring a lot to the table:
Legal Knowledge
Michigan domestic violence law is very complicated and nuanced. In fact, the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony domestic violence conviction is often a matter of initial interpretation, pre-trial negotiation, and legal arguments in court.
Not every Michigan criminal defense attorney understands domestic violence law well enough to strategically exploit that nuance to challenge the District Attorney’s interpretation, negotiate reduced or dismissed charges, or make compelling arguments that will convince the jury to acquit you.
Blank Law, PC – The Best Michigan Domestic Violence Law Firm
Other Michigan law offices simply cannot match the in-depth legal knowledge about domestic abuse charges possessed by the criminal defense specialists at Blank Law, PC.
Founding attorney Nicole Blank Becker has worked both sides of the law, as both private defense counsel and as an Assistant Prosecutor. Before reentering private practice, she served as Chief of Macomb County Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Crimes Units.
Attorney Christopher Coyle has a similar background. Before joining Blank Law, PC as a private criminal defense lawyer, he was a Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor. Eventually, Chris’ talents advanced him to the position of Deputy Chief of the Special Victims Unit.
This gives both Nicole and Chris a broad foundation of extensive legal knowledge unique within the Michigan legal community. If you want to see how that knowledge can be put to work for your domestic violence defense, contact Blank Law, PC TODAY for a free consultation.

This kind of beneficial legal knowledge goes beyond just understanding Michigan domestic violence law. It also means means being familiar with local:
- County and City Ordinances – In addition to state law, every county and city has their own local statutes. A good domestic violence defense attorney understands that different jurisdictions have different rules in place, and strategically uses that knowledge to your advantage.
For example, should domestic violence charges even have been filed against you? Or are lesser charges more appropriate?
- District Attorneys – Likewise, every prosecutor has their own strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. If your criminal defense attorney is familiar with the local DA, they will be able to craft an effective strategy that will help you beat the domestic violence charges.
This also means that your domestic violence lawyer will be in the best possible position to negotiate a favorable plea bargain agreement that helps you avoid a riskier and more expensive courtroom trial.
- Judges – Every judge runs their courtroom differently – some are known to be tougher when presiding over a domestic violence case, and others will allow considerable leeway to the defense. An experienced domestic violence attorney plans their criminal defense strategies with the judge in mind.
- Programs – Some counties offer people convicted of domestic assault charges alternatives to lengthy prison sentences – anger management, batterer’s intervention classes, drug court, mental health counseling, community service, etc.
Here’s the thing – this familiarity and knowledge is only obtainable through experience. Only by handling domestic violence cases all over the state can your defense attorney gain that extensive, well-rounded legal experience that will give them the legal edge needed to successfully handle your defense.
Blank Law, PC – Unmatched Experience
No other Michigan law firm can match the experience of the domestic violence specialists at Blank Law, PC.
Nicole has worked as a private defense attorney and as an Assistant Prosecutor for over 20 years, while Christopher worked in the Wayne County DA’s office for more than 30 years.
They have literally seen, prosecuted, and defended virtually every kind of domestic violence case or situation. Blank Law, PC handles criminal defense cases all over the state of Michigan, so that is 50+ years of experience that could and should be working for you.
To talk with an experienced domestic violence attorney, contact Blank Law, PC TODAY for a free consultation.

The best domestic violence attorneys take their knowledge and learn from their experience to develop a unique skill set. Not every lawyer – not even those that solely practice criminal defense – is capable of or comfortable with handling cases of aggravated domestic assault or spousal abuse. For example, an attorney who primarily deals with DUI cases will not have developed the expertise necessary to craft an effective domestic violence defense strategy.
Top Michigan domestic violence attorneys know how to file the proper pretrial motions, gather the most compelling evidence, consult the best experts, challenge the key pieces of evidence and testimony, and make the strongest arguments in court, all at the right time.
Blank Law, PC – Skilled Legal Representation
Both Nicole and Chris are skilled litigators, as proven by their extensive professional experience and advancement to positions of public trust and authority. Since they have very narrow and focused areas of law practice, they have honed those skills to the point that they are recognized as two of the best domestic violence lawyers in Michigan.
If you want those skills working on your domestic violence case, contact Blank Law, PC TODAY for a free consultation.
Reputation matters for a Michigan domestic violence attorney.
When you are facing domestic assault charges that can potentially ruin your life and reputation, and even take away your freedom, you need a trusted advocate at your side representing your best interests. For the best criminal defense, you want someone who is well-regarded and taken seriously by both the District Attorney and the presiding judge.
When the prosecution realizes that they are facing off against a reputable top domestic violence attorney, they often become much more willing to negotiate favorable plea bargain agreements – reduced or dismissed charges, community service instead of jail time, lower fines, etc.
Blank Law, PC – One of the Most Reputable Law Firms in Michigan

Nicole and Chris have justifiably earned their outstanding reputations within the Michigan legal community. From their time as Assistant Prosecutors, to today, when they are nationally–recognized legal experts, their excellent professional standing is an invaluable tool that can be used to help you beat these domestic violence charges.
To find out more about one of the most reputable domestic violence law offices in Michigan, contact Blank Law, PC, for a free consultation.
Blank Law, PC: Your Best Resource for Domestic Violence Charges
To receive a free initial consultation, please use this convenient contact form. Send Blank Law, PC any relevant information about your domestic violence case for review and follow-up. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information, because the form is not encrypted.

When your future, your family, and your freedom are on the line because of domestic violence allegations, Nicole Blank Becker and Christopher Coyle of Blank Law, PC are your first and best criminal defense resources.