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Do I Need a Bail Bondsman?
Do I Need a Bail Bondsman?
Bail is a refundable sum of money a person arrested by the police pays to be released from jail until their scheduled court dates. It is typically paid in cash and designed to ensure a defendant‘s appearance for trial or another court hearing. Contrary to popular belief, bail is not a fine or sanction for a crime.
The judge calls a bail hearing in court to determine if a defendant is eligible for bail. The prosecutor usually makes a brief argument and may ask the court not to grant bail. The defendant is entitled to legal representation by a criminal defense lawyer, who can make an argument before the judge asking the court to grant bail.
If the defendant is granted bail, they will have to post a bond payment to ensure their appearance in court on the scheduled day before being released. Judges often set hefty bail sums that many defendants cannot afford. However, some defendants often resort to bail bond agents to help them post bail.
If you or your family member has been arrested on felony charges in Michigan, you might need a bail bond before you are released from jail. Bail bondsmen can help you post bail if you or your loved ones cannot raise the bail money. Several bail agents in Michigan can help you, but you need to know how bail bonds work before contacting a bail bondsman.
Do I Need a Bail Bondsman?
Bail bonds can reduce some of the stress defendants and their families face when engaged in the legal system. They are often issued by licensed bond insurance companies and can be used to guarantee a defendant’s freedom between court appearances by posting the required bail amount.
By using bail bonds, you save your family and friends the pressure of the bail process in securing your freedom. You should know the type of bail bonds that exist so you do not waste time trying to gather funds. Bail bonds can prevent you from staying in jail for too long until your case is concluded. Learn if a lawyer can keep you out of jail here.
Most of the time, you can get a bail bond by giving a bondsman a part of the entire cost. Then, the bail bondsman will provide the court with a “surety bond,” or a promise that you will appear in court and comply with any other pre-trial release requirements. However, the court will hold on to the bail bond until your case is resolved. The entire bail amount will be forfeited to the court if you miss your scheduled court dates or refuse to follow the other conditions of your release.
Our Criminal Defense Law Firm Can Help You Get Bail Bonds Anywhere Throughout Michigan
You need a lawyer if you have been arrested or charged with a criminal offense in Michigan. The legal system is complex, and you need expert guidance to navigate it successfully. Your freedom probably hangs in the balance pending the conclusion of your criminal case. However, a skilled criminal defense attorney can help secure your freedom even before your court hearing.
Your freedom is essential because you need to spend time working with your attorney to build a solid defense strategy and not sit behind bars. The prosecution is working around the clock to gather evidence establishing your guilt. So, you must ensure that you channel time and effort into building an aggressive defense.
Many defendants often struggle with raising bail amounts because of how hefty they often are. However, you do not need to use your own money or borrowed funds for posting bail. With the help of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer, you can access bail bonds to secure your freedom. Your lawyer can help you find an accredited bail bond agent to ensure your release from jail pending trial. Learn what to look for in a criminal defense lawyer here.
Most people do not understand the bail process and are unaware of bail bondsmen. Our law firm has assisted many criminal defendants with the bond procedure in Michigan. We can provide you or your family member with any bail bond-related assistance you require.
Blank Law, PC is a top criminal defense law firm in Michigan. We work with clients in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, and all throughout Michigan. If you face criminal charges in Michigan, we are available and ready to help you secure your freedom and develop a strong defense strategy. We can also assist you with finding a suitable bail bond agent.
Our law firm is committed to helping you get the best outcome in your criminal case. Contact us for a Michigan criminal defense attorney free consultation.
Types of Bail Bonds in the State of Michigan
Although bail amounts are not supposed to be exorbitant, they can be pretty substantial, with judges setting bail in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The bail amount a defendant is required to pay varies. Certain Michigan courts set bail for specific charges, and so, in some cases, you already know what to anticipate.
However, judges in other courts consider several variables when setting bail amounts. These elements include a defendant‘s financial status, the gravity of the offense, the likelihood that the offender would abide by the terms of release, flight risk, and any prior criminal history.
Defendants accused of felonies and have high flight risks or an unreputable criminal history often have their bail amounts set pretty high. However, defendants accused of capital offenses and felonies involving excessive violence are not eligible for bail.
If bail has been granted, the defendant will not be allowed to leave jail until the bail bond has been paid. There are four ways you can post a bail bond:
Getting a Surety Bond Through a Bail Bondsman
Getting a surety bond from a bond agent, who serves as a representative of a bail bond insurance company, is a popular way to post a bail bond. The defendant, a family member, or a friend pays the bail bondsman’s fee under this agreement. The bail bondsman then promises the court they have the resources to cover the entire bail sum if the defendant skips bail.
The cost of the surety bond is determined by the state of Michigan, not the bond insurance company, and is often much lower than the total bail sum, at roughly 10%. However, it is not refundable. Bail bondsmen frequently demand that the defendant, their family member, or a friend post some collateral as insurance if the defendant fails to appear in court. Once the fee is paid, the bond agent posts the surety bond and pays the fee.
Where the defendant fails to appear on their scheduled court date, the bail bondsman or bond insurance company may hire a bounty hunter to find the defendant. When the bounty hunter finds the defendant, they inform the bail bondsman, who informs the court that the defendant will be re-arrested and held in jail until their case is concluded.
Posting a Cash Bond for 10%
You may have an alternative if you do not want to use bail bond agents or a surety insurance company. Sometimes, the court may let you pay a 10% cash bond instead of utilizing a bail bonds agent.
You can post a cash bond by paying the court a 10% cash payment in person or by employing a bondsman to pay the court 25% of the total bond sum. If you can raise a substantial sum, paying the court directly is advisable. That way, you can avoid paying the bail bondsman’s non-refundable fees.
Securing a Bail Bond with Real Estate
Another way of posting bail is by using your real property, like your house, to secure a bond. This type of bail bond is called a property bond. The bail bond’s value must be approximately equal to the property’s value for the court to accept it. However, the state of Michigan could seize your property if you fail to appear in court.
Posting a Complete Cash Bond
If the court considers you a flight risk, you may be required to deposit a complete cash bond. Under these circumstances, you cannot be released from custody while awaiting trial until you have paid the total bond sum. However, you might be able to obtain a surety bond from a bondsman for the full sum as an alternative to paying the entire amount to the court for a fee.
Attorney Nicole Blank Becker Has Helped Those Facing Criminal Charges in Michigan Obtain Bail Bonds to Secure Their Freedom
There is no need to fret or feel overwhelmed if you and your loved ones cannot raise your bail money. Attorney Nicole Blank Becker can help you secure your freedom using a bail bond. She has years of experience assisting defendants in Michigan with staying out of jail.

Nicole and her team at Blank Law, PC can help you find suitable bail bondsmen or a bond insurance company, or advise you about your available options for avoiding jail. She will also help you create a solid legal defense to increase your chances of not being convicted. Contact Attorney Nicole Blank Becker for a free initial consultation today.